Page 37

Gillian Wearing

hauria de tindre tant d’impacte en mi. No és com si m’atacara, ni res d’això. No tinc ni idea de què ho provoca, però provoca un pànic total en el meu sistema quan ho veig. Man (right screen) Hello I will just call myself Tony and I am here to talk about my fear and loathing and utter revulsion of mayonnaise,I am I guess you would call a mayophobe. Other than my fear of mayonnaise I would like to say I am a normal guy, I have a professional career, grew up in a normal family. I have a job and all that kind of stuff. But for some reason I am just deathly afraid of mayonnaise and it all started when I was 5 years old and I went to work with my grandma and she was a cook in a restaurant and I remember going in the back and she had an industrial sized jar of mayonnaise and she was making tuna fish sandwiches and I just threw up on the spot. And ever since then I cant see it, I can’t be around it and I can’t really eat with people who are eating mayonnaise. And it’s kind of gotten worse as I have gotten older, I guess since I have made it into a bigger thing than it needs to be. I remember in college living with room mates who ate mayonnaise and I would throw out the mayonnaise jars in the refrigerators, and then I would have to throw the bag of trash that was in our apartment out to the dumpster. And then even when it was in the dumpster, I think about it all night being in the dumpster and made myself even more nauseous. So, you know it’s kind of gone from there, it tends to impact me with people at work sometimes if I’m going to lunch with someone and they’re eating mayonnaise on a sandwich or 36 something like that. Without fail they always end up with a little bit of, I guess a little dollop on the corner of their mouth or something like that. I can’t really look at them when they’re eating. I guess maybe they think I’m a little weird or something like that. I remember once going out with some friends, some of who I was good friends with and some I didn’t know. And this guy had sat next to me and I was cornered into a booth and he was eating a hamburger and every bite he took, he had a squeeze bottle of mayonnaise and he covered the bite and ate it, and I don’t know how I didn’t throw up during that lunch but I somehow got through that. But I still think about that even now and get nauseous. There’s been a couple other incidents as well. I remember going on a date with a girl and she ordered a sandwich with mayonnaise and I had a hard time talking to her throughout the meal, because you know, like I said, whenever someone eats mayonnaise, no fail, they end up with a little bit of it in the corner of their mouth. And just really, overall, it’s kind of a strange phobia to have in my opinion, because I’m not scared of anything else. I’m not scared of heights, I watch horror movies all the time and they don’t bother me. For some reason this always bothers me and it’s not, you know I can actually kind of stare at a jar of mayonnaise, but for some reason it’s just, it’s almost like a horror movie where it’s the little glimpses of mayo, you know, like on the corner of someone’s mouth, a knife in the sink of a kitchen that really get to me for some reason. So, I don’t know if there’s any way to get treated for something like this, but I guess the best thing to do is just kind of laugh about it. Home (pantalla dreta) Hola, em faré anomenar Tony, i estic ací per a parlar de la meua por i aversió i fàstic total cap a la maionesa; supose que sóc el que es podria denominar un maiòfob. A part de la meua por envers la maionesa, m’agradaria dir que sóc un tipus normal, tinc una carrera professional, vaig créixer en una família normal. Tinc ocupació i tot això. Però, per algun motiu, em fa una por de mort la maionesa. Tot va començar quan jo tenia cinc anys i vaig anar a treballar amb la meua àvia, que era cuinera en un restaurant. Recorde entrar-

Gillian Wearing
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