Conversation about the present relevance of abstraction


Conversation about “The birth of abstraction” exhibition between artists and critics.

This exhibition offers an analysis of the artistic practices of an abstract nature that have developed during the period from the post-war years to the present day, ranging from the most sublime to the most ideological proposals and shifting from the object to the concept, seeking to unravel their meanings and contradictions and examining their techniques and procedures.
The exhibition will provide a thematic and chronological survey of the movements that have arisen since the time in the middle of the twentieth century when a great feeling of scepticism invaded the art field, not only generated by the suffering and experiences of armed conflict in the Spanish Civil War and the Second World War but also derived from a profound crisis of rationality opened up by the investigations of the so-called historic avant-garde.

The new ideas appeared during the post-war period alongside the theories of the existentialist philosophers, acclaiming subjectivity and individuality over and above any principle of political thought.


The birth of abstraction

20 jul. 2017 – 21 oct. 2018